· ai · 2 min read
What is ChatGPT and How to Use It? Tips and Hints
ChatGPT is an AI — based chatbot that is sensational on the web, which knows a lot of things: conducts a dialogue, answers your questions, writes scripts, scientific papers, program code, composes creative ideas and looks for bugs.
People even co-author books and games with ChatGPT! The chatbot is now freely available, so you can personally test its capabilities.
In general, ChatGPT distinguishes many languages, but for the most native answers, it is best to use English.
At the same time, you need to formulate your questions as clearly and concretely as possible. The more details, the more interesting and accurate the answer will be. Use synonyms and similar terms for a broader search for information.
Try several approaches at once-queries on the same topic in order to get different points of view and ways to solve the problem from the neural network.
For effective results, you can offer the bot to “try on” the necessary role from the very beginning: for example, imagine yourself as a science fiction writer, a creative copywriter, a historical figure or a movie character — depending on the task you want to set for ChatGPT.
You can finish the answers you receive: ask a leading question, ask to supplement one of the paragraphs or rewrite the sentence in a different style.
➡️And finally, catch the promised bonus: the repository is freely available with 50 ideas of interesting and useful queries for ChatGPT. You can use them as templates for your tasks ✨