· ai · 1 min read
A breakthrough in photo editing from artificial intelligence: a new neural network Drag You GAN has been announced.

AI in a couple of clicks allows you to deform images with the most accurate control of the location of pixels. What is it if not Photoshop of the future?
That is, you can easily and simply change the pose or shape of the object in the photo, play with the expression of a person’s face, the angle of the landscape and much more. You redach quickly, and the neural network completes the missing details itself.
The project is still in development, and the developers promised to publish the AI source code in June. So we are waiting for a chance to test the full power of Drag You GAN in practice. In the meantime, we are just admiring the neural network capabilities stated in the demo videos.
#ArtificialIntelligence #AI #SMMart #DragYouGAN #NeuralNetworks